Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6th and we are EXCITED. In anticipation of the new movie we’re spending the next two weeks leading up to the release spotlighting the Marvel Universe. Captain America: Civil War, like the comic run it takes its name from, finds our heroes divided, falling into line […]
Sarah watches TNG: Part 2
And I’m back with this week’s recaps! I’ve made it all the way through Episode 10 without quitting, so I’m considering this a mini-victory. Especially after episode 7. Wow. That one was something else. Weird sex aliens are a thing, who knew? I still don’t feel like I know the crew that well and I’m […]
See You On the Other Side of the Drift: Who’s Your Hamilton Jaeger Co-Pilot?
(Press play on the above track as you read this post. It’s what Ham would want.) If you haven’t noticed, all three of us here at Avenging Force are pretty into Pacific Rim. Teija and Sarah both list it as one of their favorite movies of all time, and we’ve been known to spend hours discussing […]
Five by Friday: Top Characters on Current TV Shows
Welcome to Five by Friday! All of us here at Avenging Force watch a good amount of TV, and love it when we find a show where the characters feel like fully-formed people. Some of them we want to be best friends with, while others should probably be kept at a safe distance, but every one of these characters keeps us faithfully […]
Sarah Watches TNG: Part 1
I officially began my Star Trek: The Next Generation watch through last week and I’ve made it through the first five episodes. Which, let’s be honest, if this show was airing today the network would have cancelled the show before all five of these episodes even made it to air. (Thank goodness network execs were […]
Whose life debt is it anyway?
I’ve long since come to terms with the fact that the star Wars EU I grew up with has been regulated to Legends status (we even did an entire eu-logy for it on the Boldly Going Somewhere podcast). And I even started to get excited that the arrival of The Force Awakens was ushering in […]
Top 10 Standalone Superhero Films
It’s a good time to be a superhero nerd. We’re currently in the heyday of a superhero renaissance, with screen adaptations of beloved DC and Marvel characters exploding into theaters every other month, superhero TV shows dominating prime time, and even YA superhero novels being announced left and right. It used to be that the biggest actors of […]
A Book Reader’s Review of Hulu’s 11.22.63
This article contains spoilers for 11.22.63, both Stephen King’s novel and the Hulu adaptation. Last Monday, the final episode of Hulu’s adaptation of Stephen King’s 11.22.63 went up. I read the book as soon as King released it, and I really enjoyed it. I would argue that it’s one of the best books he’s written […]
Five by Friday: Top 5 Men With Beards
Welcome to Five by Friday! This week I’m taking the reins and talking about my top five favorite characters with beards, because men with beards are a delight and a blessing and we are all lucky to live in a world where men can grow hair on their faces. Join us in the comments or on your […]
What We Want from the Gilmore Girls Revival
Amy Sherman-Palladino is back to write the much-anticipated Gilmore Girls revival, which will be airing on Netflix in four parts. Most of the original cast is back, and they have announced a slew of new roles as well. We are elated that we get to spend more time in Stars Hollow with this beloved cast […]