Over the years there have been quite a few movies and tv shows that feature women kicking ass in different ways. Some of them use their fists, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Sydney Bristow; others use bows and arrows, like Susan Pevensie and Merida. I have a soft spot for the ones who carry […]
Boldly Avenging Somewhere
We’re happy to announce our first appearance on Boldly Going Somewhere! We joined Louis and James for episode 11 of their podcast to discuss the Star Wars Extended Universe (“Legends,” if we must). The Star Wars EU-Logy Special is our first guest spot on Boldly Going Somewhere, and we had such a blast recording it. Pop on over […]
Why You Should be Watching Syfy’s Killjoys
Syfy premiered their new epic space drama Killjoys in June and I’ll admit, I’m already hooked. Killjoys tells the story of a trio of intergalactic bounty hunters who are just trying to do their jobs chasing their prey through the Quad and avoiding what could become an intergalactic war. It’s impossible for me to not […]
Five by Friday: Top Five Classic Video Games
Welcome to Five by Friday! If you haven’t heard, there’s a (admittedly terrible looking) video game movie called Pixels releasing this week. And while neither of us have any desire to pay for the movie, it got us talking about our top five favorite classic video games. Join us in the comments or on your own blog–we’ve […]
Book Review: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab is available February 24th, 2015 from Tor Books. It’s received starred reviews from Publishers’ Weekly and Library Journal. If you’re a regular reader of this site, you’ve probably already figured out that I like things that involve England and magic and monsters and fairy tales. Also pirates […]
Off the Rails: Arrow and Quentin Lance
This article contains spoilers for the CW’s Arrow through season 3 episode 11, “Midnight City.” Tread with caution. Team Arrow is is having a bad time lately. Oliver’s death threw a wrench into the way they work. All of them are grieving; Felicity is diving into her work and an apparent new superhero setup with […]
Five by Friday: Top Five OTPS
Welcome to Five by Friday! This week’s topic is OTPS! We’ve spent a lot of time discussing some of our favorite non-romantic pairings (drift compatibility, anyone?), but we’ll admit we have huge soft spots for our favorite OTPs. Our top pairings span movies, televisions, and books, but no matter the media they all have one thing in common: solid, trusting […]
The Sorting Hat: Arrow
Welcome to the first installment of The Sorting Hat! In this series of articles we’re taking characters from our favorite fandoms and sorting them into Hogwarts Houses. This is a thing we do all the time among friends, and we’ve decided to go ahead and make it a recurring thing here at Avenging Force. There’s something […]
Following Up: Fall 2014 TV Premiere Time
This post contains spoilers through the mid-season finales of Arrow, Constantine, The Flash, Gotham, Gracepoint, Grimm, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sleepy Hollow, and the Walking Dead. Tread with caution! At the beginning of this TV season, we shared our thoughts about upcoming shows and renewals that we were excited about. Now that we’ve gotten past […]
To The Death – No, To The Pain
Disclaimer: This post is overflowing with spoilers for Harry Potter, Arrow, Star Wars EU, The West Wing, Firefly, The Hunger Games, and Battlestar Galactica. Proceed at your own risk. Death is a part of life. Everyone who lives, has to eventually die. Which, when you think about it, really kind of sucks. Sure, it makes […]